

"👩🏻‍🎨H’MONG WOMEN - AND THE LINEN CLOTH… ✍️For a long time, the Mông people on the rocky plateau have been known for their unique and exquisite cultural heritage. Among them are some famous traditional crafts such as embroidery, weaving, indigo dyeing; silver carving, plow casting or making musical instruments… Drawing patterns on linen cloth with beeswax is also one of the long-standing traditional crafts of the people here. Despite being a traditional craft for generations, there are very few artisans who can draw beeswax patterns and they are all elderly people over 60 years old; the art of drawing is greatly limited due to old age and poor eyesight. It is known that a completed linen cloth with beeswax patterns must go through 2 stages: Drawing patterns and dyeing with indigo. Members must learn all traditional patterns before starting to make products. When drawing patterns, the beeswax is heated and then used with a copper pen to draw suitable patterns on the cloth; then it is dyed with indigo. The art of drawing beeswax patterns on the clothing of the Mông people will continue to be preserved, like the very breath of life, pride, and love of the people of this ethnic group for a rich traditional culture that needs to be preserved and cherished." “👩🏻‍🎨苗族妇女——和亚麻布…… ✍️长期以来,岩石高原上的苗族人民以其独特而精致的文化遗产而闻名。其中包括一些著名的传统工艺,例如刺绣,编织,靛蓝染色;银雕,犁铸或制作乐器……用蜂蜡在亚麻布上绘制图案也是这里人民历史悠久的传统工艺之一。 尽管是世代相传的传统工艺,但能够绘制蜂蜡图案的工匠却很少,而且他们都是60岁以上的老人;由于年老和视力不佳,绘画艺术受到很大限制。 众所周知,完成带有蜂蜡图案的亚麻布必须经过两个阶段:绘制图案和用靛蓝染色。成员必须学习所有传统图案,然后才能开始制作产品。绘制图案时,将蜂蜡加热,然后用铜笔绘制合适的图案在布上涂抹蜂蜡,然后用靛蓝染色。 蒙族服饰上绘制蜂蜡图案的艺术将继续得到保留,就像这个民族人民对丰富传统文化的生命气息、自豪感和热爱一样,需要保留和珍惜。”

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